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Introduction: osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system, the main cause of pain development, loss of joint function and, as a consequence, one of leading factors of population disability. Treatment strategy for patients with gonarthrosis is not fully defined, especially in patients with grade 1-2. In this cohort of patients, conservative treatment is indicated, but it does not always lead to a decrease in the severity of pain, significantly reducing the quality of life. One of treatment options for such patients is transcatheter embolization of the hypervascular area of popliteal arteries.

Aim: was to present a case report of the successful use of transcatheter arterial embolization of branches of the popliteal artery in gonarthrosis.

Materials and methods: patient B., 72 years old, consulted a rheumatologist in November 2019 with complaints on pain in knee joints, aggravated by movements, going up and down stairs, as well as pain in the area of small joints of the feet, ankle, and shoulder joints. In view of the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, patient was offered transcatheter embolization of branches of the hypervascular area of the popliteal artery. Selective embolization of the artery of the hypervascular vasculature of right knee joint was performed under local anesthesia.

Results: 1 month after the procedure, patient noticed a significant decrease in the intensity of pain in right knee joint, increased range of motion. The result of filling out the WOMAC questionnaire 1 month after embolization of popliteal artery branches was 26 points (satisfactory result). At the visit 3 months after the manipulation, patient noted the persistence of effect of procedure. The result of the WOMAC questionnaire is 22 points.

Conclusions: transcatheter arterial embolization of the hypervascular area in osteoarthritis of various origins and localization can be successfully used as an alternative treatment if conservative therapy is ineffective and if there are contraindications to surgical treatment.




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The article presents a case report of endovascular treatment of acute superior mesenteric artery occlusion in a patient with long reception of new oral anticoagulants. Despite the low incidence of this condition (3-5%), mortality in patients with this pathology is extremely high (80-85%). In this case combination of percutaneous mechanical thrombaspiration from superior mesenteric artery by coronary thrombaspiration system and intravenous GP IIb/IIIa antagonists demonstrated satisfactory outcome. Endovascular interventions proved to be effective, minimally invasive and safe technique in patients with acute mesenteric ischemia in superior mesenteric artery system.



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